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By Gibsons Games
# shop-GIB-THA691821

Lost Cities 2-Player Explorer Game

Lost Cities 2-Player Explorer Game

Regular price $22.50
Regular price Sale price $22.50
Sale Sold out Allport Pick
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Two explorers embark on research journeys to remote corners of the world: Himalayan mountains, Central American rainforests, Egyptian deserts, a mysterious volcano, and the bottom of the sea. As the cards are played expedition routes take shape and explorers earn points. The most daring adventurers make bets on the success of their expeditions. The explorer with the highest score after three rounds of expeditions wins. The rules of the game are simple but beware: Lost Cities hold many mysteries!

TEAM PICK: Our rockstar Sales Manager, Robin, loves playing this strategic 2-player game. Lost Cities is easy and fast to learn but endlessly engaging - perfect for a couples' game night!

Also a top pick of Allport Editions' owner, Mackenzie: "Probably the best two-player game out there. Fast, fun, easy to learn, and different every time you play."

Details: Contains the 6th Expedition expansion. Recommended for 2 players, ages 10+, 30 minute play time.

Size: 7.9 x 7.9 x 1.8 inches

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